Digital-inclusive Transformation and Teacher Preparedness for Foreign Language Education – A Bilateral German-Norwegian Perspective

  • Solveig Chilla Europa-Universität Flensburg, Flensburg, Germany
  • Gerard Doetjes Norwegian National Centre for English and other Foreign Languages in Education, Halden, Norway
  • Karin Vogt University of Education Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
  • Dina Tsagari Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway
  • Lina Abed Ibrahim Europa-Universität Flensburg, Flensburg, Germany
Keywords: digital-inclusive concept, digital transformation, foreign language teaching, inclusion, teacher preparedness


Digitalisation and inclusion can be understood as transversal topics in pre- and in-service teachers’ professional development. Both topics have attracted considerable research activity. However, questions of digital-inclusive transformation have only rarely been discussed within the field of foreign language teaching. Researchers in the field state a pressing need to increase digital-inclusive transformation uptake in foreign language teacher education programmes to develop a transformation ‘mindset’ in (educational) stakeholders and (future) teachers. Transformation processes in education, however, interact with preparedness for digitalisation and inclusion among pre- and in-service teachers, since the attitude and the willingness of teachers to adapt to digital reality play a decisive role in improving the quality of (digitally enhanced) teaching and learning. Currently, little is known about the interrelationship between the preparedness to use digital technology for foreign language teaching and learning and the preparedness to include foreign language learners with diverse learning needs (DLN) in the digital-inclusive classroom. To this end, this bilateral cross-country study investigates factors that constitute an attitudinal component of foreign language teachers’ perceived preparedness for using digital technology with learners with diverse learning needs in Germany and Norway. The Teacher of English Preparedness to Diverse Learning Needs in the digital inclusive classroom questionnaire was administered to 221 participants. The results show a fresh perspective on preparedness for digitally enhanced inclusive teaching linked to educational system requirements for foreign language teaching. Importantly, confidence when using digital technology in the inclusive classroom is decisive. For teacher education, it is vital that the attitudinal component of teacher preparedness receives more attention throughout teacher training. It should be related to previous experience of teachers with DT in digital-inclusive environments and be part of a heuristic conceptualisation of teacher preparedness for digitalinclusive contexts.


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How to Cite
Chilla, S., Doetjes, G., Vogt, K., Tsagari, D., & Abed Ibrahim, L. (2024). Digital-inclusive Transformation and Teacher Preparedness for Foreign Language Education – A Bilateral German-Norwegian Perspective . Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal.