Participatory Action Research in University Chemistry Teacher Training

  • Yannik Tolsdorf
  • Silvija Markic Ludiwgsburg University of Education
Keywords: model, participatory action research, university chemistry teacher education


The Participatory Action Research (PAR) model developed by Eilks and Ralle is very well known in science education. Over the years, many teaching and learning materials have been developed and implemented in German secondary schools using this method. The success of the model encouraged us to adapt it to the university level in order to develop university chemistry education courses. However, to do this, we encountered and conquered some challenges. The present paper is based on an advanced model of Participatory Action Research for developing university chemistry teacher training. For an advanced model, the focus is strongly on the extended development team, which contains people who were not part of the original team. The role of the students also changes. The ideas we used to further develop the model and implement it in practice will be described and discussed below.


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How to Cite
Tolsdorf, Y., & Markic, S. (2018). Participatory Action Research in University Chemistry Teacher Training. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 8(4), 89-108.