The Relationship between Social Gender and the World of Values in Higher Education

  • Veronika Bocsi
Keywords: gender differences, Rokeach Value Survey, students, values


The differences between male and female students in the field of education can be studied from several points of view. The aim of the present study2 is to approach the issues of mobility closely connected to the educational institution, institutional existence and school, using the filter of value sociology, thus bringing us closer to the different school attitudes
and behaviours of the two genders, focusing on higher education. In our analysis, we used the ‘Campus-lét’ Research database3 (2010) of more that 2,000 students (N=2,384). In the course of completing questionnaires, students responded to the Rokeach Value Survey, which includes 18 terminal and 18 instrumental values evaluated on a five-grade scale. The techniques used were value averages and ranking, factor analysis and analysis of variance. We identified three factors with the use of terminal values (humanist-integrated, seeking  happiness in individuals, hedonistic-egoistic) and four with the use of instrumental values (philanthropic, rational, open minded-creative, bureaucratic), with the factor scores indicating a significant relation to gender in five cases. 


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How to Cite
Bocsi, V. (2012). The Relationship between Social Gender and the World of Values in Higher Education. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 2(4), 111-126.