Exploring the Link between Achievement Goals, Motivation, and Parental Expectations among University Students in Kosovo

  • Albulene Grajcevci
  • Arif Shala
Keywords: achievement goals, Kosovo, motivation, parental expectations


This paper sheds light on the link between achievement goals, motivation, and parental expectations in a sample of 600 students attending higher education institutions in Kosovo. Aside from exploring the stipulated link between the constructs, the research aims to discover whether cultural differences mediate expected results. The results proved that the mastery
of goals positively correlates to intrinsic motivation in addition to which curiosity as a subscale of intrinsic motivation positively predicted preferences for the mastery of goals. As expected, performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals, correlated to extrinsic motivation with extrinsic motivation, successfully predict preferences for both types of performance
goals. The data proved that among students in Kosovo, all types of goals correlated to intrinsic motivation. Achievement goals were differentiated in extrinsic motivation with mastery goals correlating rather weakly to only one subscale of extrinsic motivation.


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How to Cite
Grajcevci, A., & Shala, A. (2017). Exploring the Link between Achievement Goals, Motivation, and Parental Expectations among University Students in Kosovo. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 7(4), 147-164. https://doi.org/10.26529/cepsj.368