In-Service Science Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Confidences and Views about Technology-Rich Environments
Today’s computers and related technologies have an important role in enabling visualisations of the workings of various scientific concepts, natural phenomena and mechanisms by creating technology-rich environments (TRE). TRE offer opportunities to science teachers in cases of natural phenomena that might be difficult or impossible to view, dangerous to conduct experiments about, impractical or too expensive to bring into the classroom, or too messy or time consuming to prepare in a school laboratory. However, science teaching cannot and should not be undertaken entirely by TRE. Science teachers need to know how to
integrate technology into science classrooms. Measuring science teachers’ confidence in technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) and identifying their views about using TRE in science instruction is an important issue. The present study aims to address challenges faced by in-service science teachers when creating TRE and gives suggestions for
successful technology integration into science teaching. The data were gathered through a TPCK confidence survey and subsequent interviews. The results show that in-service science teachers have a low level of confidence in using technology during science teaching. The teachers surveyed stressed their need for professional development activities regarding
the effective and meaningful use of TRE in science teaching.
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