Development of an Albanian Version of the Questionnaire on Teacher-Student Interaction

  • Edona Berisha Kida Faculty of Education/Pristine University, Kosovo
  • Theodhori Karaj Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tirana, Albania
Keywords: Albanian version of the QTSI, dynamics of human interaction, students’ perceptions of teachers in primary schools, validity of the QTSI, psychometric approach to measuring circular data


A questionnaire for studying teacher-student interaction in Albanian contexts was developed with extensive coverage in the field of educational psychology. The purpose was to adapt and develop an Albanian version of the widely used tool, the Questionnaire on Teacher-Student Interaction. The teacher-student relationship has been found to be very significant in many studies. Students’ academic achievements, emotional and social development, classroom group dynamics, and school dropouts are just some of the issues to be influenced by the nature of the established teacher-student relationship. To better measure students’ perceptions of teachers, clinical scientific data on personality interactions have been adapted and transferred to the contexts of education. With a sample of 300 subjects, the Questionnaire on Teacher-Student Interaction underwent necessary procedures and statistical analyses. Consequently, the original American version of 64 items resulted in 54 items in the Albanian version. Results confirm the reliability and validity of the questionnaire in the Albanian language and reconfirm its general usage for diverse cultures and contexts. Finally, through this study, the dimensions of teacher-student interactions were also measured and documented in the Kosovo context.


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How to Cite
Berisha Kida, E., & Karaj, T. (2020). Development of an Albanian Version of the Questionnaire on Teacher-Student Interaction. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 10(3), 145-169.