Teachers’ Acceptance of Curriculum Reform in the Czech Republic: One Decade Later

  • Karolína PeÅ¡ková Masaryk University, Faculty of Education
  • Michaela Spurná
  • Petr Knecht
Keywords: curriculum reform, teachers’ attitudes, acceptance, resistance, curriculum documents


Similarly to other Visegrád Group countries, the most recent curriculum reform in the Czech Republic brought substantial changes in the curriculum documents for schools. The purpose of this study is to investigate Czech primary and lower secondary teachers’ current attitudes towards curriculum reform. The results of a survey (n = 701) indicate that teachers have adopted rather negative attitudes. The acceptance of reform tends to increase among the teachers who use curriculum documents regularly and among the teachers with higher self-efficacy. In addition, teachers with system-centred/curriculum-oriented approaches are willing to accept the reform. There is no significant difference between teachers’ gender, their length of teaching experience, and their involvement in school management. Within the general frame of the Concern-Based Adoption Model (CBAM), the study draws on data from one country, but the implications for further educational development are potentially applicable across countries with similar educational policy backgrounds.


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How to Cite
Pešková, K., Spurná, M., & Knecht, P. (2019). Teachers’ Acceptance of Curriculum Reform in the Czech Republic: One Decade Later. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 9(2), 73-97. https://doi.org/10.26529/cepsj.560