Research-Based Learning in Initial Teacher Education in Catalonia

Keywords: research-based learning, research integration in curriculum, teacher education


The teaching profession is undergoing significant changes, some of which are imposed by the new paradigm of education. This new context marks the shift from the teachers’ position as ‘knowledge users’ towards the more complex position of ‘knowledge creators’. In this new professional culture adapted to a changing society, teaching as a profession is understood as undergoing a continuous transformation and innovation process, while the professionals in the educational field appear to be research users and research promoters able to think thoroughly about their own professional needs and the new topics arising in their field. There is, therefore, a shift from a passive to an active position, enabling educators to become aware of how complex their field is and to understand that it cannot be acknowledged and managed from outside the social, cultural, historical, philosophical, and psychological contexts shaping it. Taking into consideration the characteristics of the new professional culture, this paper is focused on the development of research skills as one of the teachers’ core skills. The study is framed at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where the Student Perception Research Integration Questionnaire (SPRIQ) of Visser-Wijnveen et al. (2015) was applied to measure students’ perception of research integration in university courses (n=113). Additionally, analysis of the documents on the syllabus of each course of the BA in Primary Education programme was applied to review the research component of initial teacher education curricula. Findings from students’ responses show that they are more consumers than producers of research. We emphasise the importance of student teachers being able to both consume as well as produce research in order to develop professionally.


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Author Biographies

Ingrid Agud, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

Department of Systematic and Social Pedagogy (Theory and History of Education). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Tenure Track Professor.

Georgeta Ion, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

Department of Applied Pedagogy. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Tenure Professor.


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How to Cite
Agud, I., & Ion, G. (2019). Research-Based Learning in Initial Teacher Education in Catalonia. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 9(2), 99-118.