Improving Problem-Solving Skills with the Help of Plane-Space Analogies

  • László Budai
Keywords: Problem solving, Plane-space analogies, GeoGebra, Teaching, Secondary school


We live our lives in three-dimensional space and encounter geometrical problems (equipment instructions, maps, etc.) every day. Yet there are not sufficient opportunities for high school students to learn geometry. New teaching methods can help remedy this. Specifically our experience indicates that there is great promise for use of geometry programs, GeoGebra and DGS, combined with plane space analogies for the development of spatial thinking and problem-solving skills in the three dimensions of solid geometry.


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How to Cite
Budai, L. (2013). Improving Problem-Solving Skills with the Help of Plane-Space Analogies. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 3(4), 79-98.