Parental Involvement as a Important Factor for Successful Education

  • MaÅ¡a ĐuriÅ¡ić
  • Mila Bunijevac
Keywords: parents’ involement, successful education, school-family partnership, examples of good practice


To comply with the system of integrated support for their students’, schools need to build partnership with parents and develop mutual responsibility for childrens’ success in the educational system. In this way, parental involement are increased, parents’ effort to support schools are encouraged, and they are directly making a positive impact to a successful educational system.
Considering the importance of parents’ participation and involvement in school activities, in this paper, we will analyse the positive effects of parental involvement, summarize leading principles for the successful partnership of parents and school and present six factors (Parenting, Communicating, Volunteering, Learning at home, Decision-making and Collaborating with the community) and six models (Protective Model, Expert Model, Transmission Model, Curriculum-Enrichment Model, Consumer Model and Partnership Model) of parental involvement. In addition, we will draw conclusions and make recommendations that are important for planning programs that are focused on the improvement of parent involvement.


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How to Cite
ĐurišićM., & Bunijevac, M. (2017). Parental Involvement as a Important Factor for Successful Education. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 7(3), 137-153.